Collection: Kevin Beovides Casas

Kevin Beovides Casas has ventured into visual arts and literature from an interdisciplinary perspective. His artistic interests are linked to new technologies, focusing on the concealment of their communicational logic. His works have been included in notable art shows such as "Ojalá!" (Zeitgenössische kubanische Kunst, Berlin, 2015) and Hope (ESMoA, Los Angeles, 2017). He is also the founder of the project El Diletante Digital.

Kevin has worked as a professor at the University of Arts of Cuba (ISA), the University of Havana, and Miami Dade College. He has participated as a speaker in several events, including Beyond the Hyphen: Approaching a Post Geographic Cuba (Princeton University, 2014) and the Permanent Seminar of the IGCAAV (Universidad de Guadalajara, 2017). His master's thesis was published in the book Outlooks on Digital Art (Mexico, 2020).

Kevin holds a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy from the University of Havana (2004), a Master's in Art History from the University of Havana (2011), and an Associate in Science in Computer Programming and Analysis - Business Applications Programming from Miami Dade College (2019).